Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Usul Pertama: Kerajaan Perlu Membenarkan Pencaruman Berbentuk Emas

Tajuk Usul:

Kerajaan Malaysia Perlu Membenarkan Pencaruman Berbentuk Simpanan Emas

Ringkasan Usul:

Akta Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja oleh Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengadakan peruntukan undang-undang yang berhubungan dengan suatu skim simpanan untuk persaraan pekerja dan pengurusan simpanan itu bagi maksud persaraan dan bagi perkara-perkara yang bersampingan dengannya, di mana simpanan melalui pencaruman adalah didalam bentuk Ringgit Malaysia (RM).

Justeru, usul ini dari segi tujuan asasnya adalah bermaksud untuk menengahkan cadangan supaya Kerajaan Malaysia mewujudkan akta baru yang akan memperuntukan undang-undang yang berhubungan dengan suatu skim alternatif bagi simpanan untuk persaraan pekerja dan pengurusan simpanan itu bagi maksud persaraan dan bagi perkara-perkara yang bersampingan dengannya, di mana simpanan melalui pencaruman adalah didalam bentuk emas.

Nota: Usul yang dipermudahkan ini adalah sebahagian daripada usul-usul yang lebih komprehensif yang akan disediakan kelak.

Ulasan Usul:


Semenjak penubuhan KWSP pada tahun 1951, kadar inflasi tahunan negara sehingga kini dianggarkan purata 4% setahun (kutipan data bermula tahun 1973). Dalam kata lain, nilai matawang Ringgit Malaysia (RM) dari segi kuasa membeli telah menurun sebanyak 80% semenjak tempoh perkiraan.

Simpanan dalam Ringgit Malaysia

Sekiranya pencarum mempunyai RM 100.00 pada tahun 1973 ia mula mencarum, nilai simpanannya hanya dapat memberikannya kuasa membeli sebanyak RM 20.00 setelah 40 tahun carumannya disimpan di KWSP (walaupun angka nyata simpanannya pada tahun 2013 kekal pada RM 100.00).

Namun jika difaktorkan bayaran dividen yang diberi KWSP dengan purata bersamaan dengan kadar inflasi tahunan yakni sebanyak 4% setahun, maka dengan penimbalan tambahan bayaran dividen terhadap penurunan akibat inflasi, akan bermaksud pencarum akan mendapat kuasa membeli pada tahap yang sama iaitu sebanyak RM 100.00 (walaupun angka nyata simpanannya pada tahun 2013 telah meningkat melebihi RM 400.00 bersamaan kenaikan sebanyak 400%).

Simpanan dalam Emas

Perkiraan mudah dengan caruman berbentuk simpanan emas pula adalah seperti berikut. Sekiranya RM 100.00 yang dicarum pada tahun 1973 digunakan untuk membeli emas untuk simpanan, maka setelah 40 tahun, anggaran nilai emas yang sama akan mencecah RM 1,000.00 (kenaikan nilai sebanyak 1000%) pada tahun 2013.

Perbandingan Prestasi Simpanan dan Risiko Berkait

Untuk mencapai prestasi kenaikan yang serupa dengan kenaikan nilai emas, KWSP perlu membuat bayaran dividen yang puratanya adalah 6% setahun. Namun, kebolehan KWSP membuat bayaran dividen yang terhasil daripada pelaburan-pelaburannya dengan purata sedemikian tertakluk kepada faktor risiko yang berkait dengan situasi ekonomi atau kewangan negara, serantau, sedunia dan juga kadar inflasi yang tidak menentu. Berbeza dengan simpanan berbentuk emas yang telah terbukti konsisten kenaikan nilainya dalam jangka masa panjang tanpa keperluan apa-apa pelaburan semula yang berisiko.

Kesimpulan Usul:

Perbandingan mudah yang dapat disimpulkan adalah bahawa pencaruman berbentuk RM memberikan kenaikan yang lebih rendah dan berisiko tinggi berbanding pencaruman berbentuk simpanan emas yang memberikan kenaikan yang lebih tinggi dan berisiko rendah. Simpanan emas yang telah terbukti konsisten kenaikan nilainya dalam jangka masa panjang juga memberikan kuasa membeli yang terjamin walaupun berhadapan dengan kadar inflasi dan situasi ekonomi atau kewangan yang tidak menentu.

PENAFIAN: Persediaan deraf usul ini adalah untuk kegunaan Ahli UMNO bagi membentang dan membahaskan usul sempena Persidangan Tahunan Cawangan 2013 yang berlangsung bermula 15 Julai 2013 hingga 31 Ogos 2013 dan seterusnya supaya usul ini dibawa ke peringkat Persidangan Mesyuarat Perwakilan Bahagian dan Persidangan Perhimpunan Agung UMNO. Ianya juga boleh digunapakai bagi persidangan-persidangan Pergerakan Sayap-sayap UMNO pada semua peringkat. Tujuan penyampaian usul ini adalah berkait isu nasional yang perlu dibawa kepada perhatian Presiden UMNO yang juga Perdana Menteri Malaysia supaya tindakan selanjutnya boleh dilakukan. Penggunaan usul ini selain daripada tujuan yang tersebut adalah di atas tanggungjawab pembaca sendiri.

Monday, 22 July 2013

ETP, GTP, and now... MTP (Monetary Transformation Programme)

In a recent email I wrote to Datuk Seri Idris Jala (no reply yet), the CEO of PEMANDU (of ETP & GTP fame), I highlighted the following:

... the unsustainable global monetary system, a major change (read: collapse) of which will derail ... the ETP & GTP. I am sure you are very well acquainted [with] the following:
  • a failing US dollar and US economy
  • a crumbling Euro in the Eurozone
  • Malaysia's high dependence on the US dollar and Euro in our international reserves
  • a temporal improvement in the local economy attributable to 'hot money' FDI inflows as a result of unbridled quantitative easings elsewhere
  • which subsequently gave rise to fragile economic bubbles formed locally such as the property markets, etc.
It is therefore quite an inevitable fact that Malaysia will most definitely suffer the consequences of another global meltdown (worse than the 2008 crisis), unless we introduce measures to reduce or mitigate the effects of such a scenario to our economy - primarily on the monetary aspect. You may have heard too, that larger/smarter nations such as China are mulling options to manage any possible impending monetary catastrophy. I'm just wondering what, and if, we are doing anything 'officially' about this.
Pending his reply, I am therefore coining (ahem!) the programme to introduce real money to the people as the Monetary Transformation Programme (MTP)*, which will be the primary thrust of the agenda I am planning, as a value proposition in my plans to lead the UMNO Youth as a gateway to reach the national leadership (i.e. the Prime Minister, who is also the President of UMNO) to fast-track this idea into reality.

*Obviously a play on the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) monicker - let's go with the flow, shall we? ;)

So what is the MTP? (Something not found in any of the NKEAs, NKRAs, SRIs, EPPs, and other numerous acronyms bewildering most Malaysians...)

The Monetary Transformation Programme (MTP)

The objective of the Monetary Transformation Programme (MTP) can be summarised as follows: "To introduce real money to the people of Malaysia as an alternative to the established official currency". The main purposes of the MTP are:
  • Moving our dependence away from a monetary system entrenched in riba (fiat money) towards one that can conceptually be free from riba (real money: be it in the form of gold or silver, denominated in Dinar dirham or otherwise, etc.).
  • To put into place an altervative monetary system that will offer people protection from the negative (to put it mildly) effects of the flawed & failing monetary system currently in use - such as inflation, hyper-inflation and evetual collapse of fiat money.
In order to achieve the objective, and in line with other national goals targeted, the following is suggested as a step-by-step measure of implementing the MTP towards full completion, probably by 2020 (Vision 2020, anyone?):
  1. Establish a platform for a large & liquid base for real money - the implementation of the Golden Provident Trust (GPT). [Target start date: 2015]
  2. Introduce policies for transactional possibilities of real money that will begin making its way to the public - e.g. aligning GLCs such as PETRONAS, utility companies and housing boards to accept payment in real money. This is in anticipation of the beginning of GPT withdrawals in real money if we allow a 1 year grace-period from operational commencement of the GPT [Target date: from 2016 onwards]
  3. Meanwhile, the trickle-down effects of Step 2 will witness bigger private sector participation in usage of real money. [Target period: from 2017 onwards]
  4. With critical mass reached following the above steps, the government can facilitate implementation of advanced functionality for real money (see points outlined here) to rival current financial services offered for fiat money (i.e. the banking system) - e.g. widespread wadiah (repositories) setups, online access to real money storage & transfers, electronic-based payment systems, etc. [Target date: as early as 2018]
If the above schedule is followed, by 2020, insha-Allah, we will have a fully functioning real money eco-system that will complement the fiat money system in place (or what remains of it, if the impending global collapse of fiat money happens in the meantime; and it will happen - not if, but when). It seems like a tight deadline, but we better be prepared sooner than later!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Pemuda Berkat, Masyarakat Rahmat

Saya, Irwan Ambak (No. Ahli UMNO: 03937029), dengan ini ingin menzahirkan niat saya untuk menawarkan diri mengetuai Pergerakan Pemuda Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (Pemuda UMNO).

Tujuan utama saya berhasrat menerajui kepimpinan Pemuda UMNO—dengan slogan "Pemuda Berkat, Masyarakat Rahmat"—adalah, selaras dengan asas dan tujuan UMNO, demi melaksanakan tanggungjawab keagamaan saya kepada Allah SWT dan Rasulullah SAW berserta kesetiaan kepada Raja, dalam menyampaikan peringatan dan melaksanakan amalan yang akan menjuruskan umat Islam yang bersatu, khasnya para pemuda bangsa Melayu di negara Malaysia, ke arah kehidupan yang diberkati, terutamanya dari segi kebebasan daripada kezaliman berlandaskan riba yang memusnahkan, supaya masyarakat secara amnya di bumi bertuah ini dirahmati di dunia dan di akhirat. Dengan izin-Nya, sekiranya ditakdirkan saya diamanahkan memikul tanggungjawab ini, saya akan berusaha untuk memberi khidmat yang sewajarnya dari segi menyusun pelan dan mengadakan program tindakan yang akan menyediakan manfaat bagi seluruh rakyat dalam menempuhi ujian yang bakal dihadapi negara berikutan perkembangan sosio-ekonomi sedunia yang mencabar.

Sebagai langkah persediaan dan juga sempena Persidangan Tahunan Cawangan dan Pergerakan Sayap-sayap bagi tahun 2013, saya akan menyediakan bahan-bahan berkaitan dengan tujuan seperti yang dinyatakan di atas dan ingin mencadangkan usul-usul yang boleh digunapakai untuk tujuan perbentangan dan perbahasan di persidangan sekiranya perlu. Maklumat tersebut boleh didapati dari laman web saya dan saya juga akan berusaha menghubungi pihak-pihak yang berkenaan untuk menyampaikan maklumat tersebut.

Bersesuaian dengan pengumuman ini, saya akan mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan dalam tatacara pencalonan untuk jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO mengikut kaedah dan perlaksanaan Pemilihan UMNO 2013. Bagi menghormati proses yang perlu dilalui, pengumuman ini hanya dilakukan untuk pengetahuan para ahli UMNO bagi memberi peluang perbincangan yang berkait dengan perkara ini. Saya hanya akan dapat mengemukakan pengumuman rasmi kepada pihak media am dan bersedia memberi maklumbalas secara terbuka sekiranya pencalonan saya berjaya dan disahkan kelak oleh Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa yang berkenaan.

Sekian, selamat bersidang dan terima kasih.


Irwan Ambak
Setiausaha Cawangan Bukit Setiawangsa
Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO Cawangan Bukit Setiawangsa
UMNO Bahagian Setiawanga

Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Golden Providence - Your Lasting Legacy

IMPORTANT: This is the draft summary for a working proposal formerly code-named Project "P" that has NOT been finalized for submission to the government. The author makes no representation that this proposal is in any way associated with the Government of Malaysia and only offers information to solicit public feedback in an effort to achieve transparency on a potential national policy that could possibly shape the future of the nation. Details and progress of this working proposal along with information on how you can be a part of it will follow suit.

As promised, here is a sneak preview of Project "P" I promoted earlier. Having shared a preview, in person, with a select group of audience recently, I can now reveal to the public that the project is essentially of the magnitude of impact equivalent to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) in Malaysia, which has in excess of RM500 Billion in total investment assets as of 2012. Apart from the tantalizing prospect of converting some or all of this amount to real money, there is no reason why Project "P" could not achieve the same (or more!) in terms of value. This summary gives you an idea of what the project is all about and how it compares to the EPF (I deliberately used the summary format of EPF from their web site), and details of the benefits of this project will be detailed in future postings, insha Allah. Feel free to comment on any point so that I get feedback to improvise it, where appropriate. So here goes...

(NOTE: The language I will use henceforth in this post will be more formal to better articulate the proposal.)

Project "P": "P" is for Providence

Golden Provident Trust (GPT) - A PROPOSAL

The Golden Provident Trust is a PROPOSED government policy to establish a complementary social security institution to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) formed according to the Laws of Malaysia (with a PROPOSED new Act and amendments to existing Act) which provides retirement and other benefits for members through management of their savings in the form of contributions that are convertible into qualified asset classes comprising of physical gold or other precious metals in a trustworthy and responsible manner. The GPT also provides a convenient framework for employers to meet their statutory and moral obligations to their employees.

Who Are The Targeted Members?

Private and Public Sector employees as well as self-employed individuals. All members of the EPF will automatically be entitled to become members of the GPT. Provisions in the PROPOSED new Act will allow for Public Sector employees the option to participate as members in the GPT as an alternative to government pensions.

Mandatory Contributions

A contribution becomes mandatory if a member opts for GPT in part or in total as an alternative to EPF contributions or government pensions. Contributions remain optional for self-employed individuals. Contributions constitute the amount of money convertible into qualified asset classes obtainable from providers authorized by the GPT and stored in trust to members' individual register at designated repositories recognized by the GPT. The amount is calculated based on existing EPF regulations and approximated to the current value of the minimum asset class unit valuation as required. A formulated mechanism will allow existing contributions made by members to the EPF to be moved to the GPT.

Asset Class, Providers, Repositories and Members' Rights

Your monthly contributions in the form of qualified asset classes obtained from authorized providers are stored in trust at any designated recognized repositories of your choice and remains your sole right. The rights of members include, in part or in total of amounts stored in the individual's register, the right of conversion into other qualified asset classes of authorized providers, the right of delegation in the management and use of stored asset classes, the right to transfer to any other recognized repositories, and, the right of withdrawal either for statutorily allowed purposes or at statutorily allowed scheduled periods or upon the statutory age of retirement. The rights to amounts stored in an individual's register will automatically pass on to member-nominated or statutorily named beneficiaries with immediate withdrawal rights upon demise of the member.


The GPT ensures that your savings in the form of qualified asset classes from authorized providers are securely held in trust in recognized repositories and that members have the right to receive their statutorily allowed withdrawal amounts at their designated recognized repositories in the form of their choice either as any qualified asset classes from authorized providers or converted into money at current valuations of such asset classes.

To be continued...

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Project "P" - RM 500 Billion of Real Money To The People?

Firstly, a clarification on the oxymoron – RM (fiat money) is NOT Real Money (see last post for my definition of the term 'real money'). I'm using figures based on a common local measure to easier illustrate the worth of real money at current valuations. So what the title actually means is that it could be about 833,333,333 Dinars – if a Dinar is worth RM 600 today.

Secondly, in my near-term aim to address an important issue in my current country of residence, Malaysia, this post applies mainly for Malaysians; but fret not my international audience – if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere!

Thirdly, this is not some sales pitch selling stuff! This is serious strategy about getting out of riba. Read on to follow.

Okay, now that we've got that out of the way...

How does RM 500 Billion (estimated project valuation) worth of real money to the people sound to you?

Offering Malaysians security in the future of their wealth, a proven protection against inflation, creating a foundation of a financially resilient economic environment...

Better yet, what if I told you that this project code-named "P", can:

  1. Make real money 'available' to the people in a large and liquid quantity (obviously!).
    -to have an idea how much that is, it's roughly 33 Dinars or 792 dirhams per person in Malaysia
  2. Mitigate the concerns of value fluctuation that prevents people from appreciating real money.
    -gold going down? not too worry – the dip following the peak caused by the most recent global financial crisis is bottoming out, and the gradual upward trend (see the bigger picture below) will resume and this is the best time to get back to real money; the project also places protection from short-term trends

    The Big Picture

    The above objectives which will logically lead on to:
  3. Having widespread acceptance of real money, without necessitating (immediate or indefinitely) the status of legal tender.
    -let RM remain (for now), as long as the 'real money' is appropriately classified and by virtue of being pervasively prevalent, it will be recognized for the value it carries, with or without any official currency status
  4. Opening up possibilities of appropriate regular usage applications of real money that matches its valuations.
    -i.e. using dirhams for medium-value transactions (e.g. filling petrol for vehicles, monthly overheads, etc.) and Dinars for high-value transactions (e.g. paying for premise rentals/lease, utility bills, etc.)
  5. Enabling integrated advanced functionality with the critical mass of users reached.
    -e.g. modern conveniences such as online-access to real money transactions, card-based payment system, etc. will ease usage adoption
(The necessity of points 1-5 addressing current issues of real money are highlighted in the past post.)


The people wins, the polity wins, everyone-else-in-between wins!

Furthermore, Project "P":

  • Is not a burden on government funds. (Why would we want to add such a huge sum to the already large riba-based national debt?! But some minor funding is still required to set up systems in place.)
  • Will not disadvantage citizens by taxing them of any additional monies (fiat or real) other than that they are already doing.
  • Benefits virtually all employed people and businesses employing people. Well, benefits virtually all people!
  • Unite all Malaysians – be them of different religion or race, by any political or apolitical preferences; but perhaps not the rotten riba-based robbers.
  • Can be replicated by other nations* for all of the above benefits.
*For the uninitiated, the correct objective I hold as a Muslim would be for the Ummah to be governed world-wide (with requisite delegated geographical jurisdictions) united under a caliph in full submission to Allah – commonly called a Caliphate; and, that I view the current system of democratically constitutional countries (especially the Muslim-majority ones)—demarcated & disunitedas a temporal taint preceding the revival of a revered Islamic rule. This is a subject for another discussion.

This, dear reader, is a no-loss offer no-one would refuse! Especially if one is aware of the evils of fiat money and the perils that comes with it (you can read all about it in my previous posts)!! And, I am fairly confident to say that all striving Muslims who are dedicating their lives submitting to Allah and following the ways of His Messenger Muhammad SAW in the war against riba will welcome this opportunity to bring us closer towards reviving the glory of our Ummah, one that is free from riba!!!  INSHA-ALLAH

Okay, back to earth.

Too good to be true? A fictional fantasy? What's the catch?

Here are the terms I see how Project "P" can be put in place:

  • It has to be implemented as a government/national policy, with the political will it requires.

THAT IS ALL TO IT! If the government agrees & adopts Project "P", we are all set to see the biggest global transition ever from fiat money to real money, most possibly in a few years from now (patience, nothing happens overnight!); the sooner the better – before the imminent collapse of the fiat money system. And if other governments/nations follow suit, the world may very well see a shift of the financial epicenter from a hegemonic fiat money & manipulated markets** controlled by the few, to a global freedom of currency for the people, reinstating the rights of fairness and mutual consent in trade. Amin.

(**At sums this huge, if several nations doing this project withdraws real gold & silver (not 'paper gold/silver') from the manipulated markets, those scheming speculators will have nothing left to swindle with!)

A reminder:
And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.
Quran 8:30

Due to the strategic importance of this idea, I will take the opportunity to reveal, in person, Project "P" to a select group of people in the coming days, along with a brief outline of how I plan to get the government to agree to this and what you can do to support, before I present it to the public (by publishing on this blog) for help in fine-tuning the project to a presentable policy paper.

And all praises be to Allah who inspires all.

I'll be back soon...

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Where Are We Today - In This War On Riba?

If you are among those Allah has given guidance, it must be clear to you that the situation we live in today is very much wanting in terms of an ideal Islamic environment. As my focus is on riba, let us list what is wrong in the world at present, what current efforts are being done to address it, and, what (more) needs to be done next – before we get on to the planning process of enabling an environment where we can avoid riba.

(As even the topic of riba can potentially be lengthy, I will address the primary concern in this post, and future posts may deal with other riba-related issues.)


Fiat Money (a.k.a. paper money)

This is, of course, the biggest evil of riba today – as it affects almost everyone on earth. I will spare you the details of WHY fiat money is wrong; that is common knowledge you can derive from various sources ranging from economists to religious scholars (click here for reference). Apart from the usurious process of fiat money creation (which is in itself a prohibitive entry-point where riba is concerned), in summary, for fiat money:

  1. It has fictional value imposed unjustly.
  2. It can be manipulated unfairly.
  3. It is controlled by those who have a history of unjust imposition and unfair manipulation.
A reminder to take heed:
And among the People of the Scripture is he who, if you entrust him with a great amount [of wealth], he will return it to you. And among them is he who, if you entrust him with a [single] silver coin, he will not return it to you unless you are constantly standing over him [demanding it]. That is because they say, "There is no blame upon us concerning the unlearned." And they speak untruth about Allah while they know [it].
Quran 3:75
In the context of today, with the control of money in the hands of a few, I would say the unfortunate reality is that all nations (Muslim-majority ones included) are subjected to the latter type of people as described above. This is because no matter what national currency one may have, it is inextricably linked to the controlling dominant reserve currency dictated to the world, the US dollar; and we all know of the consequences of such (e.g. the Nixon Shock).

Disastrous Effects of Fiat Money

  • Firstly, we are not in control.
  • Lastly, we are not in control.

Seriously: Firstly, we are not in control of the type money. It is enforced upon us. That makes the element of mutual consent, a pre-requisite of trade, lost in transaction (Quran 4:29). You don't like the 'value' printed on that piece of paper? Sorry, you've got to accept it!

And lastly: we are not in control of the amount of money. However, those who ARE in control of the amount of money (who conveniently happens to 'own' the money as it is created*), couldn't care less how much the amount of money they create as long as they need/can get more of it (and that is never enough, apparently). And guess what happens when there is more money created than there are things to be exchanged with? Easy answer: more money is needed for the things to be exchanged with – i.e. INFLATION! This situation is not confined to the result of arbitrary money creation, it is made worse by the concept of fractional reserve banking, which—believe it or not—was borne out of fraudulent practices of the past. But that's reserved (excuse the pun) for another story.

*This is a simplification. See also Money Supply and more for details.

In between the first  and the last, there are many more ill-effects of fiat money, but I've highlighted just these two to make the point.

Alternative to Fiat Money

Simply put, we need to have freedom of choice in choosing our money to live with an option to avoid riba and prevent the above disasters. We need a medium of exchange that is the opposite of fiat money:

  • Money that is not created in a usurious manner.
  • Money that has intrinsic value: e.g. gold, grains, etc. How intrinsic? If it is 10 grams of gold, it is 10 grams of gold. No one can tell you otherwise (e.g. it obviously cannot be 12 grams of gold).
  • Money that cannot be manipulated: e.g. gold, grains, etc. Why can't it be manipulated?
    • You can't create new money (without effort) – if you have 10 grams of gold, you can't make it into 12 grams of gold by doing nothing.
    • You have to have honest exchange – if you want to exchange 10 grams of gold with 100 grams of silver, you cannot just give 8 grams of gold (passing off as 10 grams of gold) and expect to receive 100 grams of silver in return.
  • Money that you control: e.g. gold, grains, etc. – if you have 10 grams of gold in your hands, no one can change it to 8 grams of gold or 12 grams of gold, it stays as 10 grams of gold for as long as it is in your control.

For the sake of brevity, we will dwindle down all available alternatives to the two most common form of predominant money in recent memory – gold & silver. A little self-research will reveal why these two are widely used over other forms of money (pre-fiat money era), given all their advantages in being used as currency.

For the purpose of our discussion, let's call this opposite of/alternative to fiat money as "real money".


The (Re-)Introduction of Real Money

In the late 80s, a movement emerged to introduce real gold/silver money in the form of Gold Dinar and silver dirham (Dinar dirham) back to the people (click here for reference). It is, of course, a re-introduction, as anyone with enough historical knowledge knows that the use of Dinar dirham dates way back, even being present during the time of the prophet Muhammad SAW and continued till its last significant recognition as currency units in the Ottoman Empire before its dissolution circa 1920s. Essentially, to date, modern efforts in introducing Dinar dirham (DnD) pioneered by that movement and adopted directly or indirectly has seen the use of DnD grow organically around the world with mainly grassroots adoption and limited minor authority (state-based/Sultanates) recognition. These efforts are continuing and may Allah bless all the people involved.

Meanwhile, in other news, some other minor authorities (most notably some states in the United States of America) have been/are in the process of recognizing some forms of gold and/or silver as currency. Application of such recognition is apparently limited to governmental transactions within those states as the dollar still reigns supreme in transactions among the people overall in the country itself.

As at time of publishing, no nation or country in the world is using real money as its official currency. The use of gold, in particular, as an official national currency is restricted by the IMF.

All well and good, but why isn't real money trumping fiat money yet? Let's examine below (points in no particular order):

The Pros

  • People can get hold of real money in their hands now. Available in convenient forms of currency (albeit non-official currency) denominations such as 1 Dinar, 2 Dinars, 5 dirhams, 10 dirhams, etc., these real money can be used in trade transactions according to their divisible values.
  • It can be used as savings to protect against inflation.
  • Certain religious obligations such as Zakat that needs to be fulfilled using real money can be met.
  • A few independent, international organizations are attempting to establish standards for real money. For DnD, one such leading organization is the World Islamic Mint (WIM). 

The Cons

  • Current high valuations of available real money such as Dinar dirham (DnD) limits its use to transactions above certain thresholds. For example, there are not many frequent transactions you can make using the Dinar (if 1 Dinar is valued about RM 600), and even the dirham poses a challenge for everyday use (if 1 dirham is valued at RM 25). In traditional times, the use of smaller change is relegated to fulus; which in today's scenario, would require the user to revert to fiat money – hence impairing the purpose of using DnD, as convenience would override original intentions and the user would be inclined to revert to the use of fiat money even for larger sums.
  • Due to current value fluctuations of commodities in exchanges—of which both gold & silver are subjected to—that are mainly transacted in fiat money, short-term savings in real money may actually result in losses when re-conversion to fiat money happens (e.g. when real money obtained at higher fiat money rates are re-converted at lower fiat money rates in a subsequent exchange). In a world still dominated by fiat money, the requirement of re-conversion cannot be overlooked when such savings are to be used in times of necessity.
  • Non-Legal Tender=limited acceptance. This is the most crucial challenge facing real money advocates. Although end-user acknowledgement on the merits of real money can be achieved, usage in transactions is hampered by the reluctance of a vast majority of businesses due to the pervasive norm of only recognizing legal tender (official national currencies) as an acceptable medium of exchange. Even state-based real money legal tenders have inherent limitations when it comes to universal acceptance.
  • The international organizations providing standardization of real money is still very much at the infancy level. Apart from the lack of standardization & due recognition other than from minor authorities such as states within countries, another major hurdle facing such organizations is establishing official relations with other financial institutions so as to enable widespread recognition of standardized real money as a viable (official) currency – a systemic problem given the incompatibilities between the foundations of fiat money versus real money.
  • Insufficient & irregular availability. Given the economic & political challenges in producing real money, ensuring uninterrupted supplies is still a poser to the availability of real money. If you can't get it, then you would probably have no choice but to use fiat money.
  • Primitive functionality in preliminary implementation. The real money we have right now is basically just coins and a few places to store them as a fanciful feature. That typically falls flat in the face when convincing large numbers of the community to change, many of them immersed in modernity expecting creature comforts such as online convenience, instant convertibility, and more.


Short of waiting for the inevitable collapse of fiat money (which brings with it a host of issues that we'll save for another discussion!), for real money to be common place would require much work, which may include the following (in no particular order):

  • Achieving widespread acceptance, with or without legal tender status.
  • Availability in a large and liquid quantity.
  • Advancing standards organisations by aspiring operationally to official acclaim.
  • Addressing applications in usage appropriate to valuations.
  • Alleviating fluctuation concerns.
  • Accumulating critical mass in adoption by integrating advanced functionality.

Therefore, we need a plan of action. A macro perspective of implementation above & beyond the no-less-important admirable micro efforts already underway to win the hearts of the people to return to the ways of Islam and revive the glory of the Muslims. Above all, we need Allah. And we need to submit to Him.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

We Live In a Riba World - Whether You Like It or Not

Okay, so now there's a war against riba. What riba? Worldwide riba!

Let me list out to you how so:

  • Fiat (paper) money,
  • Central banks controlling the above (also applies to the Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, and any other organisations playing that role),
  • All other banks in a fractional reserve banking system (however you label them),
  • ... and a society living in perpetual credit (see how big your country's debt is here).
So, my dear reader, unless you are living somewhere totally unaffected by any of the above, I am sorry, but you have been living in riba. Indeed, this is the time where we have been forewarned:

The Prophet (SAW) said: A time is certainly coming to mankind when only the receiver of usury will remain, and if he does not receive it, some of its dust will reach him.
Abu Dawud Book 016, Hadith Number 3325

"Well, that's the way life is", I hear someone say?

Excuse me! Someone has obviously not been reading history. In times of glory for the Muslim civilization, we have none of the above. I repeat, NONE OF THE ABOVE (fiat money, central banks, etc.).

So what do we do now? How can we change our ways to return to the amal (practices) of Ahl al-Madinah (the best example of Muslim society) so that we can once again reclaim reverence for the Ummah, a position reserved for communities striving to live by the perfect religion of Islam? The question is in itself the answer: we need to return to our roots. We need to submit to Allah!

But we need a plan to do that. We have been doing something, but we need to do more. And here, in this humble blog, I'll share with you my plans to do just that. Watch this space.